We feel it is important that your property be exposed to each and every potential Buyer which is why we feel it necessary to connect with the International Buyer. According to the National Association of Realtors, International Buyers accounted for $82 billion in real estate sales. As shown in the graph below, 12% of those Buyers purchased in California.**
We have partnered with Realtor.com to make your listing visible to over 850,000 users from outside the United States. The global website allows consumers to search listings in the following 11 languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Korean, and Japanese.
Additionally, the Corcoran Global Living website translates into 12 languages and over 5% of our visitors are from countries outside of the United States. Our Associates are part of international real estate organizations such as FIABCI (The International Real Estate Federation) and World Properties (The International Consortium of Real Estate Associations). Our association with the Luxury Marketing Council of San Francisco allows our associates to reach potential Luxury HomeBuyers throughout the international market place. Through various networks and associations, CGL Associates have connections ALL OVER THE WORLD!